Cavinton (Vinpocetin)

Gideon Richter, Hungary

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$11 - $22
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Product Overview


1 tablet contains vinpocetine 10 mg;


 anhydrous colloidal silica,

magnesium stearate,




pharmachologic effect

Cavinton forte - a drug that improves cerebral circulation. Improves brain metabolism, increasing glucose and oxygen consumption by brain tissue.

Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia, enhancing the transport of glucose to the brain through the BBB; transfers the process of the breakdown of glucose into an energetically more economical aerobic pathway; selectively blocks Ca2 + -dependent phosphodiesterase; raises brain AMP and cGMP levels.

Increases the concentration of ATP and the ratio of ATP / AMP in the brain tissue; enhances the metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain; stimulates the ascending branch of the noradrenergic system, has an antioxidant effect.

Reduces platelet aggregation and increased blood viscosity; increases the deforming ability of red blood cells and blocks the utilization of adenosine by red blood cells; helps to increase the return of oxygen by red blood cells. Enhances the neuroprotective effect of adenosine.

Increases cerebral blood flow; reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels without a significant change in indicators of systemic circulation (blood pressure, minute volume, heart rate, heart rate). Not only does not have the effect of "robbery", but also enhances blood supply primarily in ischemic areas of the brain with low perfusion.


In neurology, acute and chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (transient ischemia, progressive stroke, conditions after a stroke, vascular dementia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, post-traumatic and hypertensive encephalopathy, vertebro-basilar insufficiency); mental and neurological disorders in patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency (including memory impairment, dizziness, headache, aphasia, apraxia, motor disorders).

In ophthalmology - vascular diseases of the eye (atherosclerosis, angiospasm of the choroid and retina, degenerative diseases of the choroid, retina or macula, arterial and venous thrombosis or embolism, secondary glaucoma).

In ENT practice - hearing loss (vascular, toxic or age-related), Meniere's disease, cochleovestibular neuritis, tinnitus, dizziness (of labyrinth origin); vasovegetative manifestations of menopausal syndrome.


Pregnancy; lactation; severe forms of heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias; hypersensitivity to vinpocetine or other components of the drug.

Side effects

From the cardiovascular system: it is possible to intensify the manifestations of existing arrhythmias.

From the digestive system: nausea, heartburn, dry mouth.

From the side of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria.

Skin reactions: hyperemia of the skin.

How to take, course of administration and dosage

The course of treatment and dosage are determined by the attending physician.

In most cases, take 1 tablet (10 mg) 3 times a day.

Cavinton should be taken after meals.

The course is from 1 to 8 months, an average of 3-4 months. In case of drug withdrawal, the dose of Cavinton is reduced within 2-3 days.

Special instructions

Cavinton does not have a hepato- and nephrotoxic effect, therefore, when prescribing the drug to patients with liver and kidney diseases, a dosage regimen correction is not required.

In case of lactose intolerance, it should be borne in mind that each tablet contains 83 mg of lactose.

Pediatric Use

It is not recommended to prescribe the drug to children under the age of 18 due to the lack of experience with Cavinton in this category of patients.

Release form

Cavinton forte tablets are round, flat, white or almost white, with a bevel, with the inscription "10 mg" on one side and with a notch on the other.

Storage conditions

In the dark place at a temperature of 15-30 ° C

Shelf life

5 years


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