Corvalol Fito 50 ml

Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia

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Product Overview

pharmachologic effect

The effect of the drug is due to the properties of the substances included in its composition: Peppermint oil: it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
It contains many useful substances: menthol and its esters, acids (valerianic and acetic), dipentene, fellandren, etc. Thanks to this, the oil is able to expand the vessels of the heart, GM, and respiratory organs.
In addition, the substances have a beneficial effect on the digestive system: relieve cramps, eliminate nausea, increase motility, reduce pressure in the colon, and neutralize flatulence. The mechanism of action of peppermint oil is achieved through the ability of its substances to irritate specific “cold” receptors of internal organs.
Motherwort extract contains many bioactive substances (alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, etc.). Due to the combined properties of the components, the extract has a sedative and hypotensive effect: it reduces the frequency and enhances the contraction of the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure.
Ethyl α-bromoisovalerate is a combined substance with sedative, antispasmodic and antihypertensive properties that can enhance the sedative effect of other medicines.
The substance lowers the excitability of receptors of the nervous system, activates the inhibition of brain neurons, reduces the activity of centers that regulate the functioning of blood vessels and motor reflexes. The mechanism of exposure is similar to preparations containing valerian.


Corvalol Fito is a combined sedative and vasodilator in tablets and drops for oral administration.
Designed based on plant components.
Indications for use of Corvalol Fito (tablets and drops) are:
Functional disorders of CVS
Neurotic conditions with concomitant increased irritability
Sleep Disorders
Excited state with autonomic disorders
Intestinal cramps (as an antispasmodic).


It is forbidden to take with: A high level of sensitivity or complete intolerance to at least one of the ingredients of the tablets or drop
Severe liver and / or kidney pathologies
Pregnancy and lactation
Children and adolescents (under 18 years)
Congenital intolerance to the body of lactose, lack of lactase, the presence of GH malabsorption syndrome (the tablets contain milk sugar).
Depending on alcohol (for drugs in drops), taking medications incompatible with ethanol. Corvalol-Fito may be used in the treatment of patients with unexpressed functional failure of the liver and / or kidneys, but in this case, the drug should be taken with caution.
Due to the ability of the active substances of a sedative to cause dizziness, with prolonged use - inhibition of attention, speed of reaction, patients are better off giving up classes requiring concentration, increased concentration of attention and the ability to make decisions instantly.
This is especially true for people driving vehicles or working in hazardous industries.

Side effects

As a rule, the effect of the sedative Corvalol-Fito is well accepted by most patients, without causing any complaints. But, like any medicine, it can be accompanied by side effects. Immune system: manifestation of an individual allergic reaction Central NS: daytime drowsiness, lethargy, general weakness, distraction, dizziness, impaired ability to concentrate
Gastrointestinal organs: difficult digestion.
Such undesirable manifestations of the properties of the active components pass after reducing the dosage or canceling the drug.
If Corvalol-Fito is taken in a long course at a high dosage, then drug dependence may develop in patients.
In addition, the body accumulates bromine, which contributes to the occurrence of bromism - a state of chronic poisoning by a substance.
As a result, the nervous system and other organs suffer.
The characteristic signs of bromism are: Depressive state
Apathy, not passing drowsiness
Imbalance in motor coordination, uncertain gait
Drug addiction
Pallor of the skin, compaction on the dermis, hemorrhagic diathesis
Fast weight loss
Disorders of MC, erectile dysfunction
Memory impairment cognitive impairment
The presence of blood in the feces
Limb tremor
Lymph node inflammation
If during the treatment course these or other unsuccessful conditions are manifested, the patient needs to consult his doctor.

How to take, course of administration and dosage

The drug is taken by mixing with a small amount of water (about 50 ml) or by dropping on a piece of refined sugar. It is recommended to drink drugs before meals.
The number of drops for a single dose is determined by the doctor, on average it is possible to use from 15 to 30 drops.
If necessary, the dose can be increased to 40-50 drops.
To facilitate falling asleep, the medicine is taken shortly before bedtime, mixed with warm water.


Oversaturation of the body with Corvalol Fito occurs as a result of a long course or too frequent intake of high dosages.
With regular overdose, a dose-dependent manifestation of side effects of the drug occurs. Overdose is manifested by general weakness, frequent dizziness, constant drowsiness. Prolonged saturation of the body with a drug leads to drug dependence.
To relieve the manifestations of an overdose, the patient needs to cancel taking Corvalol Fito and undergo symptomatic therapy.
If intoxication was provoked by a single dose of a large amount of the drug, then measures are taken to cleanse the stomach and treatment is prescribed according to the patient's condition.


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