Noltrex, 2.5 ml

Bioform, Russia

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Product Overview


Active ingredients: 

three-dimensional polyacrylamide network polymer (4.5 ± 1.5)%;

purified water (95.5 ± 1.5)%;

silver ions

pharmachologic effect

Noltrex - restoring the viscoelastic properties of synovial fluid.


Promotes the restoration of the viscosity of the synovial fluid in the joints affected by osteoarthritis.

As a result, pain decreases and joint mobility improves. A feature of the material is a long duration of action in comparison with other materials that replenish the viscosity of the synovial fluid.


Treatment of osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) of all large joints of any stage.


  • inflammatory conditions of the skin in the area of ​​the proposed introduction of the material;
  • introduction of material into an infected or inflamed joint;
  • after arthroscopic operations (within 1 week after the intervention);
  • the introduction of the material into the glandular tissue;
  • diabetes is a relative contraindication - taking into account the slight vulnerability of tissues in diabetes, it is necessary to pay more attention to the use of the material in this category of patients;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding (no information on the use).

Side effects

After injection of Noltrex ™ material, rare cases of joint burning have been reported. All cases had mild to moderate intensity of pain syndrome with an average duration of 12-24 hours. No pain symptoms lasted more than 3 days.

The pain syndrome is stopped by taking NSAIDs (the course is prescribed individually by the attending physician).

Material hypersensitivity reactions have not been reported to date.


Simultaneous use of Noltrex ™ with Diprospan, Traumeel-S or Zeel-T is possible. Has not been tested in combination with other drugs and products.

Should not be mixed with other agents intended to restore the viscosity of synovial fluid.

The material can be injected sequentially with a local anesthetic.

How to take, course of administration and dosage

For intra-articular injections.

The procedure for introducing material into the articular cavity is carried out by qualified medical personnel in a clean dressing room or operating room in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, as in an operation.

Noltrex ™ should be administered using the 18G or 21G needles supplied with the drug.

Noltrex ™ is injected only into the joint cavity. In the presence of free fluid in the joint, it is desirable to achieve cessation of exudation and to inject Noltrex ™ 48–72 hours after elimination of the effusion. It is impractical to inject material into the joint without evacuating free fluid from it. Accidental injection into soft tissues does not lead to complications.

The material is injected into the knee joint in an amount of 2.5 to 10 ml, from one to four injections of 2.5 ml at an interval of 1 week. Recommended technique: 1st injection - 2.5 or 5 ml, 2nd - 5 or 2.5 ml, depending on the stage and at the discretion of the doctor. The material should be injected into the upper fold, preferably from the outside (the patient is in the supine position). Repeated introduction of the material to the patient in a sitting position through the anteromedial approach creates the likelihood of damage to the cartilaginous cover of the articular surfaces and menisci by a large-diameter needle.

Hip joint: 2 x 2.5 ml injections or one 5 ml.

In other joints, the material is injected at 2.5 ml or less, depending on the size of the joint.

To reduce pain immediately during the injection, anesthesia with novocaine or lidocaine (at the discretion of the doctor) is recommended both inside the joint and directly at the injection site.

Due to the high density of the gel-like biopolymer, with excessive pressure and the rate of injection, the material may be squeezed out in the opposite direction through the piston. Injection of material through a 21G needle reduces the pain of the injection, but requires more pressure on the plunger and a longer injection time. The average recommended injection time is 3-5 minutes per injection. With a good clinical result after the 1st or 2nd injection, it is recommended to stop the course of treatment. With stage III-IV osteoarthritis, it is possible to continue the course of treatment.

During the day after the procedure, the load on the joint into which Noltrex ™ was injected should be limited.

It is advisable to repeat the course 1 time in 12-24 months, depending on the clinical manifestations.

It should be remembered that the correct injection technique is the most important condition for the result of treatment.

Special instructions

Noltrex ™ is intended for administration by authorized personnel only in accordance with the law. The syringe, needle and any unused material must be destroyed immediately after the treatment session in accordance with the laws of the country.

If the packaging is damaged, do not use the material.

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions for use.

The material is intended for single use.

Do not expose the drug to direct sunlight, do not freeze, store at temperatures from +1 to +30 ° C.

Re-sterilization of the material can disrupt the physical condition and chemical bonds in the product.

Adverse reactions should be reported to a representative of ZAO Scientific Center Bioform.

Release form

Water-containing biopolymer material with silver ions

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 1-30 ° C

Shelf life

3 years.


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