Teraligen (Alimemazine)

Valenta Pharma, Russia

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$36 - $52
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Product Overview


One tablet contains:

active substance:

alimemazine tartrate - 5.0 mg;

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, pregelatinized starch, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil), sodium croscarmellose, magnesium stearate.

shell composition: Opadray II 85F34655: partially hydrolyzed polyvinyl alcohol, macrogol-3350, talc, titanium dioxide E 171, carmine red dye E 120, aluminum lacquer based on dye sun sunset yellow E 110, aluminum lacquer based on indigocarmine E 132.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacotherapy group

Anxioletic agent. Sedative

ATX code



It is a derivative of phenothiazine.

Alimemasin acts as a soft sedative and anti-anxiety agent has a positive effect in in obsession and phobia senestopathy.

It is used in psychosomatic manifestations developing due to neurovegetative disorders of vascular traumatic and infectious disorders of the central nervous system. The sedative effect contributes to the normalization of sleep in patients in this category.

It has antiemetic and anti-cough activity.

The sedative and anxiolytic effect is due to the blockade of adrenergic receptors of the reticular formation of the brain stem. The anti-emetic and vegetative-stabilizing effect is due to the blockade of dopamine D2 receptors of the trigger zone of the vomiting center.

Due to antihistamine activity, alimazine is used for allergic diseases especially the respiratory tract and itching.

Alimemasin is more active in antihistamine and sedative action than diprasine. The antipruritic effect is due to the effect on histamine receptors of the first type.


It is quickly and fully absorbed in any injection pathway. The action of alimemazine begins 15-20 minutes after administration and lasts 6-8 hours. The connection with plasma proteins is 20-30%. Metabolized in the liver. Excreted by the kidneys - 70-80% in the form of metabolite (sulfoxide).


For adults and children from 7 years old:

As a sedative (calming), anti-calming), anti-anxiety and a means of improving falling asleep: organic anxiety disorder (p-vo) (mono or combined therapy); in combination therapy: dementia, schizophrenia (in the predominance of neurotic disorders), affective drugs, generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive-vous, reaction to severe stress and adaptation disorders, dissociative (conversion) r-va, somatoforms in case of pronounced anxiety or ineffectiveness of standard therapy, unspecified behavior of vegetative behavior of the nervous system (NS), other vegetative behavior (NS), other disorders of vegetative (unresistant and abnormal personality, nervous anorexia, abnormal personality, abnormal personality, abnormal personality, abnormal, abnormally unstable personality, catastrophe symptoms and signs related to the emotional state, other neurotic drugs (neurasthenia, unspecified neurotic district), insomnia of inorganic etiology, emotional r-va, the beginning of which is specific to childhood (phobic, social, unspecified emotional, other emotional r-vvs in childhood. As an anti-allergic agent: itching, regardless of place and etiology, asthma, pollinosis, whooping cough, unspecified allergies.

In children from 3 years old:

As an anti-allergic agent: itching regardless of place and etiology (itching in photocontact dermatitis and solar hives, dermatitis, eczema, hives, bites or emaking with non-poisonous insects or arthropods, chickenpox, measles, Hodgkin's disease, diabetes mellitus, shingles, itching: anus, vulva, unspecified anogenital) in the form of monotherapy or as part of combination therapy. As a sedative (sedifying) agent: in medical preparation for surgery (for the purpose of sedation before surgery).


Hypersensitivity, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption, closed-angle glaucoma, prostate hyperplasia, severe liver and/or renal failure, parkinsonism, myasthenia, Reye syndrome, simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors, pregnancy and lactation period, children under 3 years of age when used as an anti-allergic agent and for sedation before surgery, up to 7 years according to other indications.

Side effects

Side effects are extremely rare and pronounced slightly. On the part of the nervous system: drowsiness, lethargy, rapid fatigue (mainly occur in the first days of administration and rarely require the withdrawal of the drug), paradoxical reaction (anxiety, excitement, nightmarish dreams, irritability), confusion, extrapyramidal disorders. From the part of the senses: blurred visual perception, noise or tinnitus. From the CVS side: dizziness, lower blood pressure, tachycardia. Allergic reactions, muscle relaxation. A list of all side effects is provided in the instructions for medical use.


Enhances the effects of narcotic analgesics, sleeping pills, anxiolytic and antipsychotic drugs, as well as drugs for general anesthesia, m-choline blockers and hypotensive drugs. When used: with antiepileptic drugs and barbiturates, the threshold of convulsive activity is lowered, with β-blockers there may be a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, arrhythmia, with MAO inhibitors or phenothiazine derivatives, the risk of arterial hypotension and extrapyramidal disorders increases. List of all interactions with others. PM is presented in the instructions for medical use.

How to take, course of administration and dosage

Inside without chewing.


Course treatment should begin with 2.5-5 mg in the evening with a gradual increase in the daily dose to the required effect. The daily dose can be distributed in 3-4 doses. The duration of treatment can be from 2 to 6 months or more and is determined by the doctor. To achieve: vegetative stabilizing effect - 15-60 mg/day, anxiolytic effect - 20-80 mg/day, sedative and/or sleeping pill effect - 5-10 mg/day once (20-30 minutes before bedtime), for symptomatic treatment of allergic reactions - 10-40 mg/day. The maximum dose for adults is 500 mg/day, for persons over 60 years of age - 200 mg/day.

Children from 7 years of age (depending on age and body weight): to achieve anxiolytic effect - 20-40 mg/day. The course of treatment should begin with 2.5-5 mg with a gradual increase in the daily dose to the required effect. The daily dose can be distributed in 3-4 doses. To achieve a sedative and/or sleeping pill effect - 2.5-5 mg once (20-30 minutes before bedtime), to achieve a sedative effect in case of behavioral disorders in psychotic conditions, it is possible to increase the daily dose to 60 mg/day. For symptomatic treatment of allergic reactions - 5-20 mg/day. The duration of the course of treatment can be from 2 to 6 months or more and is determined by the doctor.

Children from 3 years old:

For symptomatic treatment of allergic reactions of 2.5-5 mg 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment can be from 2 to 6 months or more and is determined by the doctor. For the purpose of sedation before surgery, children from 3 to 7 years old are prescribed at the rate of 2 mg/kg 1-2 hours before surgery. The maximum daily dose is 2 mg/kg.

Special instructions

Do not drink alcohol during treatment. When taking the drug, do not engage in activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Shelf life

3 years


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